Booler's Best: OG 3DS


Even without modding, the OG 3DS can play games from the DS library as well- and these are some of the best games you can purchase for the console. It is important however to remember that the 3DS eShop is no longer supported- so physical cartridges for the DS and 3DS are required to play these games. 


#10 - Kid Icarus Uprising 

(this one jumps up at least six spots if you have the second circle pad)


#9 - Tetris DS 

Tetris DS is a good version of Tetris, but even if I hadn't ever played it I would reccomend it. Tetris is an extremely rare perfect video game. So it's vital to own at least one version of it on any handheld that can run it.


#8 - Scribblenauts

There are several Scribblenauts games for the DS and 3DS and really in of them will do. If you've never tried one of these games, you're in for a very novel experience no matter which you choose. The commercial for the original Scribblenauts was the reason I ever asked my parents for a DS in the first place.


#7 - Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

I just love the art style in all of the Dragon Quest games. Now see it in 3D!


#6 - Chrono Trigger

A fine way to play a classic.


#5 - Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions

Superstar Saga is an all time great GBA game and it looks better than ever on the 3DS.


#4 - Fire Emblem: Awakening

Fire Emblem's formula never gets old. Awakening is especially beloved by fans but it's never been ported by Nintendo. Without emulation, this is actually still the only way to play this game!


#3 - Super Mario 3D Land

I'm a lifelong lover of the mainline Mario games and 3D Land is underrated. And like #4, this game has still never recieved a port! It's just Mario boiled down to the basics, no gimmicks. Also it provides some difficult platforming later in the game, which is always appreciated. 


#2 - Wario Ware Gold

Wario Ware is always a blast and this "best of" collection wraps most of the best of the entire series in one package. 


#1- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

I don't think people understand just how much of an upgrade OoT3D is over the base n64 game. It looks better and plays better in every single way. And even with emulation it takes some setting up to get some best features of this game to work (i.e. aiming the 3DS physically when shooting the slingshot to solve a puzzle.) Everyone loves Ocarina of Time, but they don't understand playing it's peak is right here in 3D.